
Our mission here at Starry is actually quite simple: to provide you with a better internet experience. We are the bridge between our customers and the entirety of the internet; we are not the gatekeeper, 收费员或管理员.

极速赛车正规官网开奖网址是惊人的, 我们希望你能好好利用它, 看到它, 听到它, play with it and experience it exactly how you want

Our dedication to a better internet experience is built into these 开放的极速赛车正规官网开奖网址 commitments and our 隐私声明. 连同我们的 客户协议 & 使用条款, we provide clear commitments about what you can expect from us and from your service.

When you sign up with Starry, you get the full internet and nothing less

Wireless broadband is a shared resource, and we believe in the power of all customers understanding how it is used. We want to be transparent with you about what you can expect from us and the ways in which we manage the network. 为此,我们为您提供:

  1. Clear commitments about your ability to use your service how you see fit.
  2. A clear explanation of when and how we use network management tools.
  3. Transparency about the quality of our network and your service.


These are our clear 开放的极速赛车正规官网开奖网址 commitments to our customers:

  • We do not prioritize any content, application or service.
  • We do not block access to any legal content, application or service.
  • We do not cap the amount of data you can use.
  • We do not inspect and collect the contents of data packets that transit through our network.
  • We do not throttle specific content, applications or services.
  • We do not prohibit you from attaching non-harmful devices to your connection.

We maintain a consistent network

As part of our commitment to a better internet experience for all our customers, we take minor — but important — steps to manage the traffic flowing across our network. Under normal usage across our network, we will not need to use our network management tools.

These steps ensure that all customers have a consistent level of service — broadband is a shared resource, and we are all in this together. Here are the principles on which we manage our network:

  • Our network management practices do not discriminate against any data, application or service.
  • Our network management practices are based on real-time network congestion measurements across sections of our network and are triggered only at times of congestion and only on the parts of the network impacted by the congestion.
  • Our network management practices are not triggered by the activity of individual subscribers or the total amount of data a subscriber may use in one billing period; we do not impose data caps.
  • Our network management practices involve the most minimal steps we can take over the shortest periods of time.
  • We may use network management tools when our network load at a discrete point within the network reaches or exceeds half of its capacity as measured in 60 second intervals.
  • If the amount of data on a part of our network triggers our network management protocol, we will use manual or automated processes to reduce speeds for all or some customers on that part of our network.
  • If you're connecting to WiFi hotspot service provided by Starry (for example, 在大楼的大厅里), we may limit access to certain websites or the throughput of the WiFi service to manage congestion on the network or to comply with legal requirements such as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998.


With Starry, you can expect consistently high quality service. Our fixed wireless technology enables fast 下载 and 上传 speeds with low 延迟 and all the data you can consume.

This is what customers on our Starry Plus plan who ran a speed test 经历了上个季度*,平均而言:

Avg. 下载

196 Mbps

Avg. 上传

105 Mbps

Avg. 延迟

20.3 ms

In addition, Starry customers used an average of 519.96gb的数据 last month, with the top 5% using an average of 1522.97 GB -游戏玩家和 飘带,欢喜!**

更新, Contact and Redress

As we gain experience running our network, we may improve the tools we use to manage our network. We will post any changes to this webpage. If you have any questions or concerns about our open internet commitments or network management practices, 请电邮至 neutralnet@ycdwkj666.com.

If old-fashioned snail mail is still your thing, though, you can also write us at:

38 Chauncy Street, 2nd Floor

* Average 下载 and 上传 speeds based on information from speed tests run by Starry Plus customers during the last quarter. Total number of speed tests run by Starry Plus customers in a given 季度会有所不同. Actual customer speeds experienced are not guaranteed and will vary due to device limits, multiple users, network & 其他因素 (like if your cat eats your cord).

** Average data usage based on information collected from Starry customers with a Starry Station router across all plan types.